Igwe CNC
Ụdị akwa NC igwe igwe igwe
Enwere ike ịkwado sistemụ njikwa site n'usoro ndị ahịa
Ụdị ikpere CNC igwe igwe igwe NUM Series
Model NUM ** AZ axis: dovetail way Y axis: dovetail way NUM ** BZ axis: dovetail way Y axis: igbe ụzọ NUM ** CZ axis: igbe ụzọ Y axis: igbe ụzọ NUM ** DZ axis: igbe ụzọ Y axis : igbe ụzọ NUM ** Z axis: igbe ụzọ Y axis: igbe ụzọ Ụdị Nkeji NUM23A 230 × 1067 NUM23A 230 × 1246 NUM23B 230 × 1067 NUM23B 230 × 1246 Ihe NO.135010 135011. -
Igwe nrụnye nkenke igwe na-atụgharị CNC Lathe Horizontal CNC Lathe Cnc4840 Series
Ọ nwere ike na-atụgharị taper elu, cylindrical elu, arc elu, esịtidem oghere, oghere, eri, wdg, na-eji karịsịa maka uka mmepụta nke diski akụkụ na obere aro na ahịrị nke ụgbọala na ọgba tum tum.
Nkenke igwe na-atụgharị CNC Lathe Machine Horizontal CNC Lathe CNC6130D Series
• The bedway, slideway na guideways na-esi ike na nkenke ala • Infinitely agbanwe ọsọ maka spindle nwetara site inverter moto • Axis X na nnukwu ọrịa strok • mbara bedway • elu rigidity na ziri ezi, na-agba ọsọ were were na ala mkpọtụ • Design nke electromechanical mwekota, mfe. arụ ọrụ na nrụzi • Ụzọ njigide nke njigide aka, ike ọkụ na nchịkọta mmiri na-agbanwe agbanwe.
Igwe igwe kwụ ọtọ nke igwe na-atụgharị CNC lathe kwụ ọtọ CNC Lathe CNC6136C Series
CNC6136C bụ elu oru oma CNC lathe.It nwere ike tụgharịa cylindrical elu, taper elu, arc elu, esịtidem oghere, oghere na eri, na adabara otu ma ọ bụ uka mmepụta nke akụkụ.
Nkenke igwe na-atụgharị CNC Lathe Machine Horizontal CNC Lathe CNC7250 Series
Sistemụ GSK, 3-jaw Chuck, ọkụ & sistemu jụrụ oyi, spindle& bedway lubrication system, electric toolpost.
GNC Series kọlụm na-akwagharị n'elu ihe igwe ihe
Nkọwapụta nkọwa nkeji nkọwa ihe NO.121401 121402 121411 121412 121421 121422 121431 121432 121433 121441 121442 Model GNC 6016A GNC 6016B GNC 6022A GNC 6022B GNC 8016A GNC 8016B GNC 8022A GNC 8022B GNC 8022C GNC 8030A GNC 8030B Table size (W*L) mm 610×1600 610×1600 610× 2200 610×2200 810×1600 810×1600 810×2200 810×2200 810×2200 810×3600 810×3600 Max.Grinding size (transverse*longitudinal) mm 610×10 -
GTC Series kọlụm na-akwagharị n'elu ihe igwe ihe
Nkọwapụta nkọwa nkeji nkọwa ihe NO.121501 121511 121521 121531 121541 Syde Model GTC6016 GTC8020 GTC8020 GTC8020 GTOSTUTUUNTETUUN (WTC) 610 × 1600 610 × 1600 010 × 1600 610 610 × 1600 610 × 1600 610 810×1600 810×2200 810×3000 Max.Grinding Height mm 600 Speed of table longitudinal ije Speed m/min 5 ~ 25 ọsọ ọsọ m / min 0.05 ~ 2 Electronic handwheel fe ...